Short Final
The fall at Juneau Airport, where Im a controller, generally sees pretty gross days, rain and lots of wind. One day we had six miles of visibility and winds of more than 25 knots and gusts more than 30. I was working a Coast Guard helicopter out and it occurred to me that I never really see those guys when the weather was nice. I figured I’d ask … Tower: CG 6043 frequency change approved, you guys have time for a question? … CG pilot: Frequency change approved and go ahead … Tower: You guys ever fly in nice weather? … CG pilot: No
The fall at Juneau Airport, where I'm a controller, generally sees pretty gross days, rain and lots of wind. One day we had six miles of visibility and winds of more than 25 knots and gusts more than 30. I was working a Coast Guard helicopter out and it occurred to me that I never really see those guys when the weather was nice. I figured I'd ask:
Tower: CG 6043 frequency change approved, you guys have time for a question?
CG pilot: Frequency change approved and go ahead
Tower: You guys ever fly in nice weather?
CG pilot: No.
Jeremy Horton

Editorial StaffAVweb
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