Short Final
On Tower frequency at a rural class Delta … Cessna: Uh, Tower caution some sort of otter or marmot just went right in front of my plane … Tower: It was a groundhog. That is our airport groundhog … Cessna: Ok regardless of type he just crossed Alpha without clearance. Tell him to check his frequency … Tower: We’ll have a talk with him. Cleared for takeoff 23 … George Mendenhall
On Tower frequency at a rural class Delta:
Cessna: Uh, tower caution some sort of otter or marmot just went right in front of my plane.
Tower: It was a groundhog. That is our airport groundhog.
Cessna: Ok regardless of type he just crossed Alpha without clearance tell him to check his frequency.
Tower: We'll have a talk with him. Cleared for takeoff 23.
George Mendenhall

Editorial StaffAVweb
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