Short Final: Best In Class

In Valdez, Alaska, for the annual fly-in and STOL competition, a Lake amphibian (not known for its STOL capability), in town for the fly-in, departed early to beat the weather just before the last round of the competition.

In Valdez, Alaska, for the annual fly‑in and STOL competition, a Lake amphibian (not known for its STOL capability), in town for the fly‑in, departed early to beat the weather just before the last round of the competition. Heard on the temporary tower frequency as the competition continued and the Lake departed:

Lake: "Tower, Lake 123 is clear to the west, thanks for the help."

Tower: "Lake 123, roger, be advised, the last combined distance was 30 feet 8 inches."

Lake: "Amazing! I'll practice up for next year, but not sure I can beat that..."

Tower: "Well whatever you do, I'm sure you'll win your class!"

Jim Freeman
Mobile, AL