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AVweb Video Editor Glenn Pew wanted to capture what it’s like to fly the inverted ribbon cut, a signature element of Patty’s popular airshow. After strapping the camera in place, Glenn helped set up the ribbon alongside the runway and he stood by as Patty made the low altitude pass.

For AVweb, covering a major show like Sun n Fun is the journalistic equivalent of the e-ticket ride. Sometimes, we just have to hold on and try to make it through the week. So it was no surprise when I phoned Glenn Pew on Saturday morning, only to be politely told to call back later. He was kinda busy.He was out in the blistering sun wiring up the cockpit of Patty Wagstaff's Cirrus-sponsored Extra 300 for video. Glenn wanted to capture what it's like to fly the inverted ribbon cut, a signature element of Patty's popular airshow. After strapping the camera in place, Glenn helped set up the ribbon alongside the runway and he stood by as Patty made the low altitude pass.And that's Glenn in the photo shown here, in the extreme lower left of the frame, striking a Wilburesque pose as he videos Patty flashing by through bits of slashed ribbon. How often does a guy get to be both subject and photographer in the same instant? At least once, if you're Glenn Pew.Look for a full video on Patty's flight later this month. It's a riveting glimpse into an airshow from the other side of the cockpit canopy.
Glenn Pew