A Hint Of Things To Come?
The concern is that if enough lawyers in search of “deep pockets” go after maintenance shops, the cost of defending against that trend could put insurers on the defensive. Professional Aviation Maintenance Association President Brian Finnegan said the FAA’s Aging Aircraft Committee, of which he’s a member, has been carefully monitoring litigation relevant to mechanics and maintenance providers to keep on top of any changes. “I’m not aware of any maintenance being turned away at this point” due to such concerns, he said. Peter Tulupman, a spokesman for aviation insurance company AIG, told AVweb on Wednesday that the company has no policy restricting shops from working on aircraft over a certain age.

The concern is that if enough lawyers in search of "deep pockets" go after maintenance shops, the cost of defending against that trend could put insurers on the defensive. Professional Aviation Maintenance Association President Brian Finnegan said the FAA's Aging Aircraft Committee, of which he's a member, has been carefully monitoring litigation relevant to mechanics and maintenance providers to keep on top of any changes. "I'm not aware of any maintenance being turned away at this point" due to such concerns, he said. Peter Tulupman, a spokesman for aviation insurance company AIG, told AVweb on Wednesday that the company has no policy restricting shops from working on aircraft over a certain age. Stay tuned to AVweb for more on this situation.