Accident Aftermaths…
The FAA is seeking input from pilots as it continues its investigation into a fatal accident of a Beech T-34A airplane on Dec. 7 in Texas. Two men died after a wing separated, and the entire fleet of Beech A45 and T-34 aircraft was grounded last week. The FAA now has issued an Airworthiness Concern Sheet asking for assistance from industry type-club organizations, owners/operators, and manufacturers, as well as T-34 AMOC (alternate means of compliance) holders, “to help in the long-term airworthiness solution for the safety and continued airworthiness of these airplanes.” The EAA Government Relations office is collecting the comments.

FAA Seeks Comments On T-34s
The FAA is seeking input from pilots as it continues its investigation into a fatal accident of a Beech T-34A airplane on Dec. 7 in Texas. Two men died after a wing separated, and the entire fleet of Beech A45 and T-34 aircraft was grounded last week. The FAA now has issued an Airworthiness Concern Sheet asking for assistance from industry type-club organizations, owners/operators, and manufacturers, as well as T-34 AMOC (alternate means of compliance) holders, "to help in the long-term airworthiness solution for the safety and continued airworthiness of these airplanes." The EAA Government Relations office is collecting the comments. EAA said it will consolidate the comments and submit them to the FAA by the Jan. 10, 2005, deadline.

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