AD Compliance — What You Have To Do
If your engine has not been overhauled or had new connecting rods installed since it was manufactured, there is no action required. If it has been opened up since Lycoming packed it in a box, however, you’ll need to check the engine logs to see if any of these connecting rods got in there. The affected rods are part number AEL11750, having forging part number AEL11488 and lot numbers 1 to 54/6 (54 is lot number, 6 the serial number). If those numbers appear and the rods have 2,000 or more hours on them, they have to be replaced within 50 hours. If they have less than 2,000 hours they have to be replaced at overhaul or at the next repair that gives accessibility to the rod (i.e., removal of a cylinder). The FAA says it will take four hours to replace each rod and the part cost is $450.

If your engine has not been overhauled or had new connecting rods installed since it was manufactured, there is no action required. If it has been opened up since December 2001, however, you'll need to check the engine logs to see if any of these connecting rods got in there. The affected rods are part number AEL11750, having forging part number AEL11488 and lot numbers 1 to 54/6 (54 is lot number, 6 the serial number). If those numbers appear and the rods have 2,000 or more hours on them, they have to be replaced within 50 hours. If they have less than 2,000 hours they have to be replaced at overhaul or at the next repair that gives accessibility to the rod (i.e., removal of a cylinder). The FAA says it will take four hours to replace each rod and the part cost is $450. The FAA rejected the suggestion by some commenters that its repair cost estimate was low (figures were based on a Lycoming service manual). It also rejected suggestions that the problem be addressed by reducing the oil change interval and inspecting the filter for contaminants that would indicate problems.