…Adam Poised To Profit

Either way is fine with Adam Aircraft’s Rick Adam. Now that the company’s push/pull piston aircraft, the A500, has been certified, Adam is starting to talk about the future of the A700 jet project and Adam’s place in the VLJ market. “Our plans are quite modest,” Adam told the Tribune. “If we do nothing more than get a modest share of the existing market, we will be profitable. We are profitable at 60 planes [annually].” Adam’s definition of modest could be open to interpretation. The Eclipse 500 and Cessna Mustang are two major players that will also be in the mix.

Either way is fine with Adam Aircraft's Rick Adam. Now that the company's push/pull piston aircraft, the A500, has been certified, Adam is starting to talk about the future of the A700 jet project and Adam's place in the VLJ market. "Our plans are quite modest," Adam told the Tribune. "If we do nothing more than get a modest share of the existing market, we will be profitable. We are profitable at 60 planes [annually]." Adam's definition of modest could be open to interpretation. The Eclipse 500 and Cessna Mustang are two major players that will also be in the mix. Curiously, the newspaper casts Adam as the frontrunner in the VLJ market, even though, by conventional standards, Eclipse and Cessna would seem to be further along in developing their mini-jets. However, Adam always points out that the jet and the recently-certified A500 share the same airframe and that could be a jumpstart in the certification process.