…ADIZ Under Microscope…
When the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure tabled its legislation, it attached a report that reminded the government how we reached this seemingly permanent solution to what was initially regarded as a temporary problem. In the report, the committee pointed out that the Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) around Washington, D.C., was established in 2003 when the perceived security threat was at its highest level since 9/11 and was supposed to be eliminated when the threat level subsided, as it now has. AOPA President Phil Boyer said that not only has the threat subsided, GA organizations have introduced workable programs that provide tangible security benefits — but continue to bear the brunt of government security measures. “The ADIZ is not the solution,” he said. “It smothers general aviation without providing real security benefits.”

When the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure tabled its legislation, it attached a report that reminded the government how we reached this seemingly permanent solution to what was initially regarded as a temporary problem. In the report, the committee pointed out that the Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) around Washington, D.C., was established in 2003 when the perceived security threat was at its highest level since 9/11 and was supposed to be eliminated when the threat level subsided, as it now has. AOPA President Phil Boyer said that not only has the threat subsided, GA organizations have introduced workable programs that provide tangible security benefits -- but continue to bear the brunt of government security measures. "The ADIZ is not the solution," he said. "It smothers general aviation without providing real security benefits." The report offers a similar perspective. "Despite the fact that GA was neither a target nor a tool of the 9/11 terrorists, the federal government has imposed more security-related flight restrictions on GA than on any other sector of the aviation industry."