…Airing Concerns, Getting Things Done, And Having Fun

At Boyer’s packed hour-long Q&A session, there was just one topic on everyone’s mind — the Washington, D.C., ADIZ. “It’s a regional issue, but with national implications,” Boyer said. “It’s a symbol of taking away our freedom to fly.” He said AOPA is lobbying to reduce the size of the ADIZ and to simplify procedures for GA aircraft operating within it. But overall, Boyer said, the number-one issue that worries AOPA members is user fees. Second to that is airport closures. More than 200 pilots on Saturday made use of AOPA’s one-stop security process to help gain access to the DC-3 airports — the three D.C.-area GA airfields that were shut down after 9/11.

At Boyer's packed hour-long Q&A session, there was just one topic on everyone's mind -- the Washington, D.C., ADIZ. "It's a regional issue, but with national implications," Boyer said. "It's a symbol of taking away our freedom to fly." He said AOPA is lobbying to reduce the size of the ADIZ and to simplify procedures for GA aircraft operating within it. But overall, Boyer said, the number-one issue that worries AOPA members is user fees. Second to that is airport closures. More than 200 pilots on Saturday made use of AOPA's one-stop security process to help gain access to the DC-3 airports -- the three D.C.-area GA airfields that were shut down after 9/11. "Instead of spending a day or two running around to all the required agencies, they can get most of the process done all at once," Boyer said. The program may travel to other airports in the Northeast where a lot of pilots want that access, he said. After airing their views and taking care of business, pilots could shop, relax at the food court, check out the airplanes, talk about flying and enjoy a summer day at the airport.