Alpha System Introduced

Part of TCMs vision is an all-encompassing data, marketing and service system that its calling the Alpha System. For nearly a decade, the company has had the bones of this in its online TCMLink service, one of the better Web-based service and data networks. The Alpha System might be thought of as v. 2.0 of TCMLink. Data from FADEC-driven engines will form the centerpiece of the Alpha System, but it will stitch together any and all data related for engine operation and maintenance, from technical specs and service bulletins, to oil-analysis reports, to individual engine histories, and

Part of TCMs vision is an all-encompassing data, marketing and service system that its calling the Alpha System. For nearly a decade, the company has had the bones of this in its online TCMLink service, one of the better Web-based service and data networks. The Alpha System might be thought of as v. 2.0 of TCMLink. Data from FADEC-driven engines will form the centerpiece of the Alpha System, but it will stitch together any and all data related for engine operation and maintenance, from technical specs and service bulletins, to oil-analysis reports, to individual engine histories, and more. As explained to us, the Alpha System will have a powerful online diagnostic function, something that may be necessary if FADEC is to prove practical in the field. Although the full-blown system is still in the developmental phase, TCM is beginning to market some Alpha components, including an Alpha magneto system based on improved Bendix mags shipped complete with harnesses and Champion plugs. Look for more Alpha products and services during the coming months, says TCM. In the meantime, tune in to AVwebs in-depth podcast for Friday, June 23, for more detail from Bryan Lewis on major changes at TCM.