…And A Reminder To Keep Watch

Clarke Thomas, president of Fostaire Helicopters, told NATA how the episode unfolded: “We got a call from a prospective customer asking about a scenic flight. They wanted to know how close they could get to the St. Louis landmarks, and they said price was no object. That raised a red flag right away because any businessman is always concerned with price. When they arrived, they were carrying duffel bags and backpacks — something else that is very unusual.” Thomas’s response proves the validity of the Airport Watch concept, said AOPA President Phil Boyer. “Vigilant pilots and airport workers make the best security force because they know who does and doesn’t belong at the airport. They can easily spot the things that just don’t seem right.”

Clarke Thomas, president of Fostaire Helicopters, told NATA how the episode unfolded: "We got a call from a prospective customer asking about a scenic flight. They wanted to know how close they could get to the St. Louis landmarks, and they said price was no object. That raised a red flag right away because any businessman is always concerned with price. When they arrived, they were carrying duffel bags and backpacks -- something else that is very unusual." Thomas's response proves the validity of the Airport Watch concept, said AOPA President Phil Boyer. "Vigilant pilots and airport workers make the best security force because they know who does and doesn't belong at the airport. They can easily spot the things that just don't seem right." The general aviation community can quickly report suspicious activity to the federal toll-free hotline (1-866-GA-SECURE).