…And Lobbying Continues
The litany of blunders by pilots in restricted airspace isn’t making the job of alphabet-group lobbyists any easier as they try to lessen the impact of security-related restrictions on our behalf. They do, however, keep soldiering on in a quest to restore some sense of pre-9/11 normalcy. EAA announced it will be going to the “highest levels” of the Department of Homeland Security to press for abolition of the air defense identification zone that blankets Washington, D.C. EAA acknowledges it’s an uphill battle against Secret Service and defense officials who have apparently grown quite fond of the airspace cushion around the Capitol and are unlikely to give it up without a fight.

The litany of blunders by pilots in restricted airspace isn't making the job of alphabet-group lobbyists any easier as they try to lessen the impact of security-related restrictions on our behalf. They do, however, keep soldiering on in a quest to restore some sense of pre-9/11 normalcy. EAA announced it will be going to the "highest levels" of the Department of Homeland Security to press for abolition of the air defense identification zone that blankets Washington, D.C. EAA acknowledges it's an uphill battle against Secret Service and defense officials who have apparently grown quite fond of the airspace cushion around the Capitol and are unlikely to give it up without a fight.

Editorial StaffAVweb
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