…And Sport Pilot Rule Changes

Progress continues on implementing the complex Sport Pilot rules, Blakey said. Last week, consensus standards were released for powered parachutes and gyroplanes, and so far, 44 Sport Pilot certificates have been issued. The rule is still a work in progress and “we’re prepared to make appropriate changes,” she said. Those changes may include finding a way to accommodate some production airplanes that are within a hair’s breadth of qualifying as Light Sport Aircraft, and working out a way to let Light-Sport amphibians switch from water to runway landing configuration in flight. But the fine-tuning is not likely to include changes to the contentious medical rules. “I don’t see that changing dramatically,” she said.

Progress continues on implementing the complex Sport Pilot rules, Blakey said. Last week, consensus standards were released for powered parachutes and gyroplanes, and so far, 44 Sport Pilot certificates have been issued. The rule is still a work in progress and "we're prepared to make appropriate changes," she said. Those changes may include finding a way to accommodate some production airplanes that are within a hair's breadth of qualifying as Light Sport Aircraft, and working out a way to let Light-Sport amphibians switch from water to runway landing configuration in flight. But the fine-tuning is not likely to include changes to the contentious medical rules. "I don't see that changing dramatically," she said. Under the current rules, new Sport Pilots with a driver's license can fly, but former pilots whose medicals were refused or revoked must still appeal to the FAA for permission to fly.