AOPA Expo Ends On A High Note

This year’s AOPA Expo reached an all-time record high of 12,973 attendees by the time the show closed on Saturday afternoon. Later that evening, AOPA paid tribute to Rep. Harold “Hal” Rogers, R-Ky., for his dedication to general aviation, awarding him with the prestigious J.B. “Doc” Hartranft Award for 2006. Rogers is responsible for funding and oversight of the Department of Homeland Security as chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee On Homeland Security, and he’s been an advocate for reasonable approaches to GA security. As a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee, Rogers has ensured that resources paid into the aviation trust fund reach GA airports across the country.

This year's AOPA Expo reached an all-time record high of 12,973 attendees by the time the show closed on Saturday afternoon. Later that evening, AOPA paid tribute to Rep. Harold "Hal" Rogers, R-Ky., for his dedication to general aviation, awarding him with the prestigious J.B. "Doc" Hartranft Award for 2006. Rogers is responsible for funding and oversight of the Department of Homeland Security as chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee On Homeland Security, and he's been an advocate for reasonable approaches to GA security. As a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee, Rogers has ensured that resources paid into the aviation trust fund reach GA airports across the country. Also on Saturday evening, AOPA bestowed the 2006 Laurence P. Sharples Perpetual Award to Felix Maguire for his "selfless commitment, tireless leadership, and commitment to general aviation in Alaska." According to AOPA President Phil Boyer, he was a driving force for "improvements for VFR pilots -- including the unprecedented establishment of a VFR route across the Bering Straits to Russia -- to the cutting edge of instrument flight using [automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast]."