AOPA Fly-In A Big Success

A total of 44 aircraft on display and more than 3,000 people attended AOPA’s annual open house and fly-in. The event has been dogged by bad weather in recent years but this year the organizers’ luck changed. Saturday morning started out with low ceilings but skies cleared by the afternoon and events went ahead as scheduled. According to AOPA, the various educational forums were full and there was plenty for attendees to see and do.

A total of 44 aircraft on display and more than 3,000 people attended AOPA's annual open house and fly-in. The event has been dogged by bad weather in recent years but this year the organizers' luck changed. Saturday morning started out with low ceilings but skies cleared by the afternoon and events went ahead as scheduled. According to AOPA, the various educational forums were full and there was plenty for attendees to see and do. Among the aircraft on display were two AOPA Sweepstakes prizes. This year's prize is a completely redone Cherokee Six and those on hand were able to inspect the recently installed panel. So far, the Six has had a new rudder, new prop and speed mods to the cowl done, in addition to the modern panel. Not far from the Six was the Twin Comanche Roy Wilbanks won in the 2004 Sweepstakes. He flew it to Frederick from South Carolina, where it's found a happy home. "I can't complain at all, "Wilbanks told AOPA staff. "Everybody loves the plane."