AOPA Lists Performance Parameters

When Lockheed took over the system, the company set its performance standards high. AOPA this week provided details of what kind of service you should be getting — and said if you’re not getting it, you should report that via the feedback form on the new Web portal. (After all, you paid for it.) According to AOPA, the AFSS should answer your phone call within 20 seconds and radio calls within 5 seconds. You must receive service from your radio call within 15 seconds. PIREPs must be processed within 30 seconds and within 15 seconds if they are urgent. Briefers must have knowledge of the unique weather conditions in your area. Briefers must meet those standards whether it is a busy, clear summer day or a slow, dreary day in winter, AOPA says.

When Lockheed took over the system, the company set its performance standards high. AOPA this week provided details of what kind of service you should be getting -- and said if you're not getting it, you should report that via the feedback form on the new Web portal. (After all, you paid for it.) According to AOPA, the AFSS should answer your phone call within 20 seconds and radio calls within 5 seconds. You must receive service from your radio call within 15 seconds. PIREPs must be processed within 30 seconds and within 15 seconds if they are urgent. Briefers must have knowledge of the unique weather conditions in your area. Briefers must meet those standards whether it is a busy, clear summer day or a slow, dreary day in winter, AOPA says. And if Lockheed doesn't live up to those standards, the company will face financial consequences. "If your telephone or radio call isn't answered promptly, I would be registering a complaint through their Web site," said Melissa Rudinger, AOPA vice president of regulatory affairs. "We want to make sure the modernization is done right ... If pilots report when and where they have service problems, Lockheed will be able to address and correct those issues."