…As Aviation Businesses Seek Disaster Relief
To help with the recovery, the National Air Transportation Association (NATA) has collected contact information for aviation businesses hurt by the storms in Florida and neighboring states. NATA suggests that business owners in need of relief contact the Small Business Administration (SBA) at 800/621-3362, to see if they qualify for federal disaster assistance. The SBA Web site has information on how to apply for a disaster loan and an online list of disaster-recovery centers in Florida. For more information, contact Beth Van Emburgh at NATA, at bvanemburgh@nata-online.org.

To help with the recovery, the National Air Transportation Association (NATA) has collected contact information for aviation businesses hurt by the storms in Florida and neighboring states. NATA suggests that business owners in need of relief contact the Small Business Administration (SBA) at 800/621-3362, to see if they qualify for federal disaster assistance. The SBA Web site has information on how to apply for a disaster loan and an online list of disaster-recovery centers in Florida. For more information, contact Beth Van Emburgh at NATA, at bvanemburgh@nata-online.org. Also, NATA says that Kip Bonar, president of Ranger Jet Center in Kissimmee, Fla., a general contractor, has offered assistance to help repair FBOs that were damaged. For more information, contact Judy Bennett at jbennett@rangerprogress.com.