…As FAA, AOPA Offer TFR Help
AOPA wrapped up its annual Expo over the weekend, reporting that about 9,400 visitors and 1,550 aircraft came to Philadelphia for the event. One ongoing highlight, AOPA said, was the unveiling of its new online flight-planning program with lots of user-friendly features, including access to current TFR and navaid information. The program, free to AOPA members, allows users to store a pilot profile, two aircraft profiles, and up to five routes. Meanwhile, the FAA has upgraded its own TFR site to be more user-friendly, offering real-time graphical depictions and a choice of views and formats. The site has a list of TFR locations, and clicking on each one will provide a map of the TFR drawn on a sectional chart, along with the text of the Notice to Airmen. As usual, the agency strongly urges pilots to call FAA Flight Service at 1-800-WX-BRIEF (992-7533) for a full briefing before taking off.

AOPA wrapped up its annual Expo over the weekend, reporting that about 9,400 visitors and 1,550 aircraft came to Philadelphia for the event. One ongoing highlight, AOPA said, was the unveiling of its new online flight-planning program with lots of user-friendly features, including access to current TFR and navaid information. The program, free to AOPA members, allows users to store a pilot profile, two aircraft profiles, and up to five routes. Meanwhile, the FAA has upgraded its own TFR site to be more user-friendly, offering real-time graphical depictions and a choice of views and formats. The site has a list of TFR locations, and clicking on each one will provide a map of the TFR drawn on a sectional chart, along with the text of the Notice to Airmen. As usual, the agency strongly urges pilots to call FAA Flight Service at 1-800-WX-BRIEF (992-7533) for a full briefing before taking off. (AVweb readers who tried to check out the new FAA site last week and couldn't get there apparently ran into an example of the power of online reporting. The site took 16,000 hits in its first hour that morning, the FAA told us. So if you ran into a traffic jam, please try again.)