…As Voluntary Security Self-Assessment Offered Online

The TSA is also working to develop a free Web site that would allow aircraft owners and operators to voluntarily assess their security protections against terrorist attacks and receive recommendations on how to make improvements. The self-assessment tool would ask a series of questions to develop a comprehensive picture of your security system, and a second series of questions would assess the threats and possible consequences. The results are then used to evaluate the effectiveness of various countermeasures and help in designing a security plan. The TSA says it would use the data it collects from the Web site to help prioritize resources.

The TSA is also working to develop a free Web site that would allow aircraft owners and operators to voluntarily assess their security protections against terrorist attacks and receive recommendations on how to make improvements. The self-assessment tool would ask a series of questions to develop a comprehensive picture of your security system, and a second series of questions would assess the threats and possible consequences. The results are then used to evaluate the effectiveness of various countermeasures and help in designing a security plan. The TSA says it would use the data it collects from the Web site to help prioritize resources. Comments on the proposal are accepted through Sept. 9.