Better MOA Info Now Available To GA Pilots…
The Department of Defense has revised its system of issuing Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) about “lights-out” night training in Military Operations Areas to be sure that the information is available to private pilots when they are briefed by Flight Service Stations, AOPA said on Tuesday. Since the approval of lights-out operations in 2003, there has been a problem because the DOD NOTAM system didn’t interface well with the FAA system, AOPA says, so the FSS briefers didn’t always have the latest information. Now the NOTAM system has been modified to ensure the FSS is informed, so whenever you get a preflight briefing, you’ll get current NOTAMs alerting you to lights-out training near your proposed flight path, AOPA said.

Lights-Out NOTAMs At FSS
The Department of Defense has revised its system of issuing Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) about "lights-out" night training in Military Operations Areas to be sure that the information is available to private pilots when they are briefed by Flight Service Stations, AOPA said on Tuesday. Since the approval of lights-out operations in 2003, there has been a problem because the DOD NOTAM system didn't interface well with the FAA system, AOPA says, so the FSS briefers didn't always have the latest information. Now the NOTAM system has been modified to ensure the FSS is informed, so whenever you get a preflight briefing, you'll get current NOTAMs alerting you to lights-out training near your proposed flight path, AOPA said.

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