Board Wants More Training For Air-Taxi Crews
The NTSB on Tuesday released the latest version of its “Most Wanted” list of aviation safety improvements. New to the list this year is a request for the FAA to mandate that crews who fly for on-demand air-taxi operators regulated under Part 135 must be trained in crew resource management (CRM). The training should include a review of accidents and offer instruction in skills and techniques for effective crew coordination. The board said several recent investigations of fatal Part 135 accidents showed the operator didn’t have a CRM program, or if it did, it fell short of the training required for Part 121 crews.

The NTSB on Tuesday released the latest version of its "Most Wanted" list of aviation safety improvements. New to the list this year is a request for the FAA to mandate that crews who fly for on-demand air-taxi operators regulated under Part 135 must be trained in crew resource management (CRM). The training should include a review of accidents and offer instruction in skills and techniques for effective crew coordination. The board said several recent investigations of fatal Part 135 accidents showed the operator didn't have a CRM program, or if it did, it fell short of the training required for Part 121 crews. The safety board cited the 2002 crash that killed Sen. Paul Wellstone. "Although the FAA has agreed in principal [sic] with the recommendation, no discernable progress has been made," the NTSB said.