Brits Stop al Qaeda Attacks?
British authorities have thwarted 9/11-style attacks in that country, according to a television report. Quoting unnamed government sources, ITV reported that al Qaeda was planning to ram airliners into three downtown London skyscrapers and Heathrow Airport but British Intelligence got wind of the plans and was able to stop them. The buildings targeted were at Canary Wharf, a prominent London landmark. The report surfaced as the British government prepares to introduce nationwide security measures to combat terrorism.

Heathrow, London Skyscrapers Were Alleged Targets...
British authorities have thwarted 9/11-style attacks in that country, according to a television report. Quoting unnamed government sources, ITV reported that al Qaeda was planning to ram airliners into three downtown London skyscrapers and Heathrow Airport but British Intelligence got wind of the plans and was able to stop them. The buildings targeted were at Canary Wharf, a prominent London landmark. The report surfaced as the British government prepares to introduce nationwide security measures to combat terrorism. The British Parliament is considering legislation that would create a national crime agency, like the FBI, create ID cards for British citizens and hold separate trials for those charged with terrorist-related offenses. The Brits have had their share of success in apprehending would-be terrorists. Last August, they arrested eight terrorism suspects, one of whom had detailed plans for prominent financial buildings in the U.S., which they were allegedly plotting to attack with chemical or radioactive weapons.