Can’t Make It To Oshkosh? Watch Your Inbox

AVweb always pulls out all the stops for its coverage of AirVenture and this year we’ve added a new dimension to our coverage. In addition to our four complete AvwebFlash and NewsWire editions from Oshkosh (Monday, July 24; Wednesday, July 26; Friday, July 28; and our wrap-up on Monday, July 31) we’re producing three in-depth podcasts (Tuesday, July 25; Thursday, July 27; and Saturday, July 29) filled with interviews with the movers and shakers of the industry.

AVweb always pulls out all the stops for its coverage of AirVenture and this year we've added a new dimension to our coverage. In addition to our four complete AvwebFlash and NewsWire editions from Oshkosh (Monday, July 24; Wednesday, July 26; Friday, July 28; and our wrap-up on Monday, July 31) we're producing three in-depth podcasts (Tuesday, July 25; Thursday, July 27; and Saturday, July 29) filled with interviews with the movers and shakers of the industry. Knapinski said more than 10,000 airplanes and 700,000 people are expected to attend and for pilots, getting there is half the fun. If you intend to fly in and you don't have the NOTAM, download one now or phone EAA and get them to fax you one. Knapinski said flying to Oshkosh isn't as hard as it looks but it does require some preparation and concentration.

Last year we watched the rarest and coolest airplanes by day and then watched for tornadoes at night. There's never a dull moment at EAA AirVenture and, while it'll be some time before the lineup of last year's show (SpaceShipOne, GlobalFlyer) can be matched, if ever, the world's largest aviation event continues to pack in the best of the aviation world for a week in Oshkosh, July 24 to July 30. In a special podcast interview that will be available for download on Friday, EAA Communications Director Dick Knapinski told AVweb that this year's show is shaping up to cater to virtually all interests in aviation. "What we're seeing coming in this year is perhaps the broadest and best developed lineups that we've seen in a long time," Knapinski said. Opposite ends of the GA spectrum will have major prominence at this year's show. The light sport aircraft (LSA) category will have its strongest showing to date as more than 30 aircraft are now certified. Very light jets (VLJs) will also take the spotlight, with the debut of Diamond's D-Jet and news about the continued development of at least four others. Watch for some major announcements in avionics, too.

Find all of today's stories in AVweb's: NewsWire

Find all of today's stories in AVweb's: NewsWire