…City Says Rules Don’t Apply In This Case…

Although it’s long been speculated that Mayor Richard Daley ordered Meigs closed to make way for a park, his original justification was that he feared terrorists would use the airport to launch an attack on the city’s downtown. Now, the city is using the same line to try and defend itself against the FAA charges. Martinez told the Tribune the city doesn’t think the 30-day notice requirement applies in this case because of the perceived terrorism threat. Meanwhile, the city didn’t waste any time getting the park started.

Although it's long been speculated that Mayor Richard Daley ordered Meigs closed to make way for a park, his original justification was that he feared terrorists would use the airport to launch an attack on the city's downtown. Now, the city is using the same line to try and defend itself against the FAA charges. Martinez told the Tribune the city doesn't think the 30-day notice requirement applies in this case because of the perceived terrorism threat. Meanwhile, the city didn't waste any time getting the park started. It was opened to the public last month with little fanfare and consists of a patch of meadow and a running trail. More development is planned next year. Airport proponents have proposed a plan that would include an airport as well as park space and an air museum.