Company Is Ecstatic
“We are absolutely delighted with this flight,” said Diamond CEO Christian Dries, who flew the chase aircraft. “The test flight went exactly as planned. … Our crew did a fabulous job.” The D-Jet is a five-seat single-engine personal jet, powered by the FADEC-controlled Williams FJ33 turbine and equipped with Garmin all-glass flight deck and autopilot. Diamond has said it has orders for 125 copies of the D-Jet, which are expected to sell for under $1 million each. The jet’s maximum altitude target is 25,000 feet and the cruise target is 315 knots. As for delivery, one flight school is laying plans to be near the head of the line.

"We are absolutely delighted with this flight," said Diamond CEO Christian Dries, who flew the chase aircraft. "The test flight went exactly as planned. ... Our crew did a fabulous job." The D-Jet is a five-seat single-engine personal jet, powered by the FADEC-controlled Williams FJ33 turbine and equipped with Garmin all-glass flight deck and autopilot. Diamond has said it has orders for 125 copies of the D-Jet, which are expected to sell for under $1 million each. The jet's maximum altitude target is 25,000 feet and the cruise target is 315 knots. As for delivery, one flight school is laying plans to be near the head of the line. Utah Valley State College, which is already home to 21 Diamond aircraft, including two new Diamond Twin Star DA42-TDIs "[UVSC] will be the first flight school to use our complete range of aircraft for flight training," said Christian Dries, CEO of Diamond, according to a school publication. " In fact, they are also in negotiations to receive the company's first single turbofan engine jet, the D-Jet, within the next few years."
Note: Click through for Diamond's full press release and full-size images. (The aerodynamically inclined may enjoy a close view at the airflow indicators clearly visible near the engine intake/wing joint.)