Danbury Security Sparks National Review…
The theft last month of a Cessna 172 based at Danbury, Conn., that was taken on a joyride by a non-pilot who landed with a blood alcohol level of .15 has prompted a call for a nationwide security review of GA airports. Connecticut politicians have written Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff asking for a study of security at more than 19,000 GA airports across the country. “My sense is this is an issue we have at airports all over the country,” Rep. Chris Shays told the Danbury News-Times. “We should get a better handle on general aviation.” However, Andrew Thomas, an Ohio professor who wrote a book on the topic (“Airport Insecurity”) says the government faces a tricky balancing act on the issue.

Connecticut Wants Every Airport's Security Scrutinized
The theft last month of a Cessna 172 based at Danbury, Conn., that was taken on a joyride by a non-pilot who landed with a blood alcohol level of .15 has prompted a call for a nationwide security review of GA airports. Connecticut politicians have written Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff asking for a study of security at more than 19,000 GA airports across the country. "My sense is this is an issue we have at airports all over the country," Rep. Chris Shays told the Danbury News-Times. "We should get a better handle on general aviation." However, Andrew Thomas, an Ohio professor who wrote a book on the topic ("Airport Insecurity") says the government faces a tricky balancing act on the issue. "It's not enough to simply say you're going to regulate [the industry] totally," he told The Associated Press. "You can't because you'd end up destroying it." But Thomas said the government can't just do nothing because al Qaeda has plotted to use small aircraft for terrorism in the past. "We still haven't found the balance," he said.