…DC-3 To (Finally) Get Cash
Meanwhile, the president is expected to sign a bill that includes $5 million in compensation for Potomac Airfield, College Park and Washington Executive-Hyde Field and businesses operating at them to help cover losses incurred immediately after 9/11. The airports, which are within the 15-mile Flight Restricted Zone (FRZ) around Washington, were closed for about six months after the attacks and were subject to tight security requirements after the ban was lifted. Wartofksy called it a “good-hearted attempt” by the government to help the airports and businesses out.
Meanwhile, the president is expected to sign a bill that includes $5 million in compensation for Potomac Airfield, College Park and Washington Executive-Hyde Field and businesses operating at them to help cover losses incurred immediately after 9/11. The airports, which are within the 15-mile Flight Restricted Zone (FRZ) around Washington, were closed for about six months after the attacks and were subject to tight security requirements after the ban was lifted. Wartofksy called it a "good-hearted attempt" by the government to help the airports and businesses out. He said the main credit goes to three Maryland politicians who refused to let the compensation issue die. He said Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., and Democratic Senators Paul Sarbanes and Barb Mikulski and their staffs deserve credit for "riding this horse home." Apportioning the money will be the next step and Wartofsky agreed there isn't enough there to cover everyone's losses. "I would make a guess the TSA has spent more money studying it," he said.