Designs On The Rebound…
If you want to do your part for GA growth, there are plenty of airplanes out there ready for a new owner. Lake’s four-place amphibian, the LA-4-200 EP, first built in 1983, has been revived by LanShe Aerospace of Fort Pierce, Fla. LanShe is now taking orders at a price of $299,000. The production line is ready to go, company President Wadi Rahim told AVweb on Tuesday, with certification and manufacturing tools all in place. “We’re in good shape. We just need some orders,” he said. LanShe bought the Lake Aircraft Company in 2002, and also bought the Micco line last April. “It’s an active line,” Rahim said of the Micco models. “We’ve built two, one is sold, and we have three or four in progress. We’re ready to make more.”

LanShe's Lake And Micco...
If you want to do your part for GA growth, there are plenty of airplanes out there ready for a new owner. Lake's four-place amphibian, the LA-4-200 EP, first built in 1983, has been revived by LanShe Aerospace of Fort Pierce, Fla. LanShe is now taking orders at a price of $299,000. The production line is ready to go, company President Wadi Rahim told AVweb on Tuesday, with certification and manufacturing tools all in place. "We're in good shape. We just need some orders," he said. LanShe bought the Lake Aircraft Company in 2002, and also bought the Micco line last April. "It's an active line," Rahim said of the Micco models. "We've built two, one is sold, and we have three or four in progress. We're ready to make more." In December, the company delivered its first Lake-250 to the Galapagos Islands, where it will be flown for maritime patrol. Rahim said he plans to bring at least one new Lake and one new Micco to show at Sun n' Fun in Florida in April. The EP carries an IO-360 engine and can lift a useful load of about 920 pounds. Keelson boosters on the hull and wing-root fillets ("bat wings") boost the EP's hydrodynamic and aerodynamic performance, according to the company's press release.