EAA: “Too Little, Too Late”
EAA president Tom Poberezny found little comfort in the fine. “A settlement has been reached that unfortunately puts the burden on Chicago taxpayers, but for aviation and Chicago, it’s too little, too late,” he said. EAA in the past sponsored regular monthly Young Eagles flight rallies with the Tuskegee Airmen at Meigs. For years, Friends of Meigs was allotted a prominent spot at the annual EAA AirVenture show at Oshkosh to proselytize and collect signatures on petitions. “But it remains a tragic story that the once ideal landing facility for business travelers and Young Eagles has been reduced to a part-time concert venue and bike/nature trail,” said EAA.

EAA president Tom Poberezny found little comfort in the fine. "A settlement has been reached that unfortunately puts the burden on Chicago taxpayers, but for aviation and Chicago, it's too little, too late," he said. EAA in the past sponsored regular monthly Young Eagles flight rallies with the Tuskegee Airmen at Meigs. For years, Friends of Meigs was allotted a prominent spot at the annual EAA AirVenture show at Oshkosh to proselytize and collect signatures on petitions. "But it remains a tragic story that the once ideal landing facility for business travelers and Young Eagles has been reduced to a part-time concert venue and bike/nature trail," said EAA.

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