FAA Ignores GA

The FAA recently posted its revised “Flight Plan,” an effort to direct its goals and priorities for the next year, and asked for input. It got a substantial critique from the folks at AOPA, who said the plan doesn’t pay enough attention to general aviation. AOPA said the FAA needs to focus on improving GA airports and adding more instrument approaches. The FAA should stand up for GA when security agencies restrict airspace access, AOPA said. The FAA also could do a better job of providing advance notice of airspace restrictions. “I realize this may require reform of the system used to disseminate critical information, the Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) system,” AOPA President Phil Boyer said.

AOPA Critiques FAA "Flight Plan"...

The FAA recently posted its revised "Flight Plan," an effort to direct its goals and priorities for the next year, and asked for input. It got a substantial critique from the folks at AOPA, who said the plan doesn't pay enough attention to general aviation. AOPA said the FAA needs to focus on improving GA airports and adding more instrument approaches. The FAA should stand up for GA when security agencies restrict airspace access, AOPA said. The FAA also could do a better job of providing advance notice of airspace restrictions. "I realize this may require reform of the system used to disseminate critical information, the Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) system," AOPA President Phil Boyer said.