GA Groups Dig In For Influence

Boyer is not the only GA leader ready to give Peters an earful about the needs of GA pilots. NBAA President Ed Bolen said, “I look forward to working with Mary and ensuring that she is fully aware of the concerns of business aviation.” GAMA President Pete Bunce said, “We congratulate Ms. Peters and look forward to continuing the same great working relationship on aviation issues that we had with Mr. Mineta.” EAA President Tom Poberezny noted that Mineta leaves big shoes to fill. “Secretary Mineta was a friend to EAA and to sport and recreational aviation,” he said. “Under his watch, the sport pilot/light-sport aircraft rules became a reality. He’s been to Oshkosh on a number of occasions and we truly enjoyed working with him.”

Boyer is not the only GA leader ready to give Peters an earful about the needs of GA pilots. NBAA President Ed Bolen said, "I look forward to working with Mary and ensuring that she is fully aware of the concerns of business aviation." GAMA President Pete Bunce said, "We congratulate Ms. Peters and look forward to continuing the same great working relationship on aviation issues that we had with Mr. Mineta." EAA President Tom Poberezny noted that Mineta leaves big shoes to fill. "Secretary Mineta was a friend to EAA and to sport and recreational aviation," he said. "Under his watch, the sport pilot/light-sport aircraft rules became a reality. He's been to Oshkosh on a number of occasions and we truly enjoyed working with him." Poberezny added that he looks forward to working with Peters "on important issues that will affect not only EAA members but all of aviation."