GA Security Bill Gets A Going-Over…

A New York congressman has pledged to work with general aviation groups and other members of Congress to address GA security concerns without unduly disrupting the industry. Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) caused a big flap in Washington last week when he proposed a bill that would require airline-type security measures for all non-air-carrier aircraft. Weiner spokesman Anson Kaye told AVweb that on Wednesday, Weiner told the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure he would not introduce the bill as written and would consult with GA groups and other members of Congress on ways to achieve the bill’s goals without crushing the industry. (Just maiming it.)

New York Congressman Hears GA Concerns…

A New York congressman has pledged to work with general aviation groups and other members of Congress to address GA security concerns without unduly disrupting the industry. Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) caused a big flap in Washington last week when he proposed a bill that would require airline-type security measures for all non-air-carrier aircraft. Weiner spokesman Anson Kaye told AVweb that on Wednesday, Weiner told the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure he would not introduce the bill as written and would consult with GA groups and other members of Congress on ways to achieve the bill's goals without crushing the industry. (Just maiming it.) Weiner's bill would have required the same level of screening for passengers on charter, air taxi and other non-scheduled services as is required for airlines. It would also prevent non-air-carrier aircraft from flying within 1,500 feet of any building or over a city with more than a million inhabitants. Aviation groups were naturally outraged.