GPS Is “New” No More…

The FAA, in an Advisory Circular published several weeks ago, has eliminated the “New Technology” label from GPS navigation systems, which means repair stations now can install the systems using simpler procedures. The Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA) said in a news release it is “extremely pleased” with the change, which it has wanted for years. “AEA commends the [FAA] for modernizing their installation criteria for one of the most common system installations of light general aviation aircraft,” the association said. Under the previous Advisory Circular, installation of GPS equipment required the use of approved data (under an STC or major alteration) because GPS was a “new and unique” technology.

FAA Updates Guidelines

The FAA, in an Advisory Circular published several weeks ago, has eliminated the "New Technology" label from GPS navigation systems, which means repair stations now can install the systems using simpler procedures. The Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA) said in a news release it is "extremely pleased" with the change, which it has wanted for years. "AEA commends the [FAA] for modernizing their installation criteria for one of the most common system installations of light general aviation aircraft," the association said. Under the previous Advisory Circular, installation of GPS equipment required the use of approved data (under an STC or major alteration) because GPS was a "new and unique" technology.