Heritage Foundation Enters On ATC Pay Dispute
One sign that the back rooms are buzzing is the two cents’ worth offered by the Heritage Foundation, a self-described “conservative think tank” that keeps right on top of these sorts of issues. Not surprisingly, Heritage Foundation researcher Ronald D. Utt, Ph.D., says Congress should stay out of the way, keep the process the same and let the FAA’s final offer stand as a first step toward radical reform of the agency. The foundation says air traffic control should be completely privatized and the privatization or commercialization of other arms of the agency should also be explored. But the Heritage Foundation isn’t the only organization ringing the privatization bell.

One sign that the back rooms are buzzing is the two cents' worth offered by the Heritage Foundation, a self-described "conservative think tank" that keeps right on top of these sorts of issues. Not surprisingly, Heritage Foundation researcher Ronald D. Utt, Ph.D., says Congress should stay out of the way, keep the process the same and let the FAA's final offer stand as a first step toward radical reform of the agency. The foundation says air traffic control should be completely privatized and the privatization or commercialization of other arms of the agency should also be explored. But the Heritage Foundation isn't the only organization ringing the privatization bell. In his treatise, Utt refers to the budget proposals recommended by the Republican Study Group, a collection of the House's most right-wing members that regularly represents the conservative agenda. In March, the group said wholesale privatization of the FAA should be part of the 2007 federal budget.