Industry Disputes Critics’ Conclusions

“NATA feels the Miami Herald did not give a true picture of the air cargo industry,” Lindsey McFarren, research and special projects manager for the National Air Transportation Association (NATA), told AVweb yesterday, in response to a request for comment. “Rather, the Herald focused on a few operators with safety or regulatory problems instead of the hundreds of dependable, law-abiding operators who complete, without incident, numerous flights every single day and night.” Stan Bernstein, a spokesman for the Regional Air Cargo Carriers Association, told AVweb, “The article is so poorly written and intended only to sensationalize it is hardly worth a comment. … Lots of statements made; where are the facts?”

"NATA feels the Miami Herald did not give a true picture of the air cargo industry," Lindsey McFarren, research and special projects manager for the National Air Transportation Association (NATA), told AVweb yesterday, in response to a request for comment. "Rather, the Herald focused on a few operators with safety or regulatory problems instead of the hundreds of dependable, law-abiding operators who complete, without incident, numerous flights every single day and night." Stan Bernstein, a spokesman for the Regional Air Cargo Carriers Association, told AVweb, "The article is so poorly written and intended only to sensationalize it is hardly worth a comment. ... Lots of statements made; where are the facts?" McFarren, of NATA, also said, "The Herald concentrated predominantly on operators with a history of violations that the authors determined was a factor in fatal accidents, apparently even when the NTSB investigation found other factors were more significant. NATA is supportive of the FAA taking strong action against any operator who willfully and repeatedly violates regulations. However, the Herald has an obligation to the public to present a balanced picture of the industry. Their failure to include information on the many safe and reputable operators leaves readers with unfortunate misconceptions about our industry."