…Industry Hopes He Sticks

“One reason this gentleman was picked is he has a technical background, a private sector background,” John Mica, chairman of the House Aviation Subcommittee, told The Washington Post. “We’re going to do a high-tech makeover, which will rely less on personnel and more on technology.” Mica said he expects Hawley to roll up his sleeves and start fixing the TSA. Hawley was one of the architects of the “hurry-up-and-get-it-done” creation of the TSA in the tense aftermath of 9/11. He’s a member of the FAA’s Air Traffic Services Committee and, according to the Post, was hand-picked by Michael P. Jackson, the deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. He most recently ran an international software company.

"One reason this gentleman was picked is he has a technical background, a private sector background," John Mica, chairman of the House Aviation Subcommittee, told The Washington Post. "We're going to do a high-tech makeover, which will rely less on personnel and more on technology." Mica said he expects Hawley to roll up his sleeves and start fixing the TSA. Hawley was one of the architects of the "hurry-up-and-get-it-done" creation of the TSA in the tense aftermath of 9/11. He's a member of the FAA's Air Traffic Services Committee and, according to the Post, was hand-picked by Michael P. Jackson, the deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. He most recently ran an international software company. National Business Aviation Association President Ed Bolen called Hawley "an excellent choice." Boyer and his colleagues at other alphabet groups are clearly impressed with Hawley's credentials and contacts and are hoping those facilitate a long and fruitful tenure in the big chair.