Light Sport Aircraft Sales Continue To Expand

For the great-big bizjet world, 901 airplanes is a lot, but the newly emerging Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) sector could flit right past there by next year. “I’m forecasting at least 1,000 unit sales during 2007,” LSA marketing consultant Dan Johnson told AVweb yesterday. “That would be deliveries.” Many manufacturers have been ramping up to meet demand, and that effort should begin to start showing up in a greater supply by late this year. Then buyers can get them quicker, flight schools can get them online for training, and the sector can continue to grow, Johnson said. Hear more of our discussion with Johnson about the maturing of the LSA sector, and what’s ahead for Oshkosh and beyond, in AVweb‘s Friday podcast.

For the great-big bizjet world, 901 airplanes is a lot, but the newly emerging Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) sector could flit right past there by next year. "I'm forecasting at least 1,000 unit sales during 2007," LSA marketing consultant Dan Johnson told AVweb yesterday. "That would be deliveries." Many manufacturers have been ramping up to meet demand, and that effort should begin to start showing up in a greater supply by late this year. Then buyers can get them quicker, flight schools can get them online for training, and the sector can continue to grow, Johnson said. Hear more of our discussion with Johnson about the maturing of the LSA sector, and what's ahead for Oshkosh and beyond, in AVweb's Friday podcast. Johnson also talks about the ongoing review process in place for the LSA regulations, the growth of U.S. manufacturers, and consolidation of efforts among manufacturers and distributors.