Light Sport Airplanes, One Year Later

It was just a year ago that the first Light Sport Aircraft were introduced here at Sun ‘n Fun, and now the number of fixed-wing Special-LSAs is up to 30, with four new models approved just the week before the show. Sun ‘n Fun added 28 spaces in a new southeast exhibit area this year, close by the main entrance, and most of those spots were taken by sport aircraft dealers. By all accounts from the manufacturers we spoke to, interest was high and folks weren’t just looking — they were buying. “We’ve sold two airplanes already, and it’s just the second day of the show,” Evektor’s Scott Andrews told AVweb early in the week. By later in the week, Tim Elliott, founder of American Legend Aircraft, couldn’t stop beaming. “We’re very happy with the show,” he said. “We’ve had quite a few sales.”

It was just a year ago that the first Light Sport Aircraft were introduced here at Sun 'n Fun, and now the number of fixed-wing Special-LSAs is up to 30, with four new models approved just the week before the show. Sun 'n Fun added 28 spaces in a new southeast exhibit area this year, close by the main entrance, and most of those spots were taken by sport aircraft dealers. By all accounts from the manufacturers we spoke to, interest was high and folks weren't just looking -- they were buying. "We've sold two airplanes already, and it's just the second day of the show," Evektor's Scott Andrews told AVweb early in the week. By later in the week, Tim Elliott, founder of American Legend Aircraft, couldn't stop beaming. "We're very happy with the show," he said. "We've had quite a few sales." American Legend debuted its Legend Cub Special at the show, with a new two-tone paint scheme along with a selection of premium features that have proven popular with buyers. About half of buyers so far have been private pilots or better, Legend spokesman Kurt Sehnert told AVweb. Hear more about the new airplane from our interview with Sehnert on AVweb's audiocast.