…Locks And Other Devices

Of course, most of us have a considerable proportion of our net worth tied up in our airplanes and the stuff that goes with them so we most likely have a security program of our own, even if we don’t call it that. The report goes over all the things we can do to ensure the airplane and its accoutrements remain where they belong, including the obvious, like locking everything up and, perhaps, investing in anti-theft devices, such as propeller locks and locking tie-downs. Crop dusters should get special security attention. Limiting vehicle access to the field is also recommended, where practical, and lighting, signage, fencing and gates should all be reviewed and upgraded where possible. Of course, it’s always best to have a plan for the worst and the report lays out a blueprint.

Of course, most of us have a considerable proportion of our net worth tied up in our airplanes and the stuff that goes with them so we most likely have a security program of our own, even if we don't call it that. The report goes over all the things we can do to ensure the airplane and its accoutrements remain where they belong, including the obvious, like locking everything up and, perhaps, investing in anti-theft devices, such as propeller locks and locking tie-downs. Crop dusters should get special security attention. Limiting vehicle access to the field is also recommended, where practical, and lighting, signage, fencing and gates should all be reviewed and upgraded where possible. Of course, it's always best to have a plan for the worst and the report lays out a blueprint. It says every airport should have a map that locates gates, hydrants, emergency shelters, building and hazardous materials and it should go to the local police and fire department. Procedures should be established for dealing with bomb threats and suspect aircraft. The report also recommends a phone list of the people and agencies that need to be called in any security-related scenario. A point of contact should be designated for disseminating security information. The report is with the TSA now and it is hoped that implementation will occur with cooperation from state and local governments, Coyne said.