Making It Work — The Politics Of Secure Airspace

If anything positive (for GA) results from this process, it will be that all the stakeholders will better understand each other’s realities and goals and that should lead to some streamlining of the operational aspects of the new zone. That may mean adding capacity to the Potomac TRACON to deal specifically with the extra workload (which might be a touchy subject between the FAA and controllers at the moment). And with permanence comes familiarity. With the zone as a fixture, there should come a time when pilots simply cope with it as they would any of a hundred things that might require their attention on a cross-country flight … sort of like how a dog gets used to an invisible electrified fence, maybe. But there’s been talk of technological solutions, too.

If anything positive (for GA) results from this process, it will be that all the stakeholders will better understand each other's realities and goals and that should lead to some streamlining of the operational aspects of the new zone. That may mean adding capacity to the Potomac TRACON to deal specifically with the extra workload (which might be a touchy subject between the FAA and controllers at the moment). And with permanence comes familiarity. With the zone as a fixture, there should come a time when pilots simply cope with it as they would any of a hundred things that might require their attention on a cross-country flight ... sort of like how a dog gets used to an invisible electrified fence, maybe. But there's been talk of technological solutions, too. Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) on aircraft operating within the security zone might aid in the fundamental requirement of identification and tracking of individual aircraft. ADS-B can provide real-time tracking and identification data of aircraft to other aircraft. The question remains of who would foot the bill.