…No Other Casualties…

The aircraft crashed well away from the crowd and emergency crews were on the scene within five minutes but there was nothing they could do for the pilots, according to a Canadian Press story. There were no other injuries or damage. Col. Alain Boyer, the base commander, told reporters, “Everything was done professionally.” … “These guys were professional pilots … all the safety measures were there.” Officials moved quickly to gather up friends and relatives of the pilots present at the show and took them to the air force base headquarters where the base chaplain met them. “I think you can consider most of the people [who] perform for a living in the air show industry as family,” Clive Tolley, the air show’s executive director, told a news conference late Sunday. “That’s why it’s so important for us to take care of them.”

The aircraft crashed well away from the crowd and emergency crews were on the scene within five minutes but there was nothing they could do for the pilots, according to a Canadian Press story. There were no other injuries or damage. Col. Alain Boyer, the base commander, told reporters, "Everything was done professionally." ... "These guys were professional pilots ... all the safety measures were there." Officials moved quickly to gather up friends and relatives of the pilots present at the show and took them to the air force base headquarters where the base chaplain met them. "I think you can consider most of the people [who] perform for a living in the air show industry as family," Clive Tolley, the air show's executive director, told a news conference late Sunday. "That's why it's so important for us to take care of them." The Canadian Transportation Safety Board will investigate the tragedy. Investigators will arrive today.