…Non-proliferating, Dis-duplicating, De-conflicting, And Etc.

The FAA said its goal is to identify regulations that impose undue regulatory burden; are no longer necessary; or overlay, duplicate, or conflict with other federal regulations. The FAA will review the issues addressed by commentators and will publish a summary that indicates, where appropriate, how it will adjust its regulatory priorities. Comments will be taken until May 25, and can be filed online. The Docket Number is FAA-2004-17168. Parts 125 and 135 of the regs are already in the midst of a regulatory review, so any comments on those parts should be directed to that rule-making committee, the FAA said.

The FAA said its goal is to identify regulations that impose undue regulatory burden; are no longer necessary; or overlay, duplicate, or conflict with other federal regulations. The FAA will review the issues addressed by commentators and will publish a summary that indicates, where appropriate, how it will adjust its regulatory priorities. Comments will be taken until May 25, and can be filed online. The Docket Number is FAA-2004-17168. Parts 125 and 135 of the regs are already in the midst of a regulatory review, so any comments on those parts should be directed to that rule-making committee, the FAA said. Also, the FAA asks for "specific suggestions where rules could be developed as performance-based rather than prescriptive, and any specific plain language that might be used, and suggested language on how those rules should be written." We'd start with that sentence, because we think this is what the FAA is trying to say: "Give us your ideas about how we can write rules that set performance standards and let you decide how to get there. And while you're at it, tell us how to say it in a way that you can understand."