Other Than That, FAA Scores Decent Marks With GAO

The GAO report says the FAA, which was reorganized in 2004 to include the Air Traffic Organization, is doing better at buying and implementing the technology that will be required to accommodate the three-fold increase in air traffic that is anticipated by 2025 (that FAA-estimated growth is questioned by some in the industry). While a couple of years ago it was a given that FAA procurement projects would go sideways, the GAO says that for the second year in a row the agency has managed to bring new projects on line in time and within 10 percent of budget 80 percent of the time. But, then, the process is far from over.

The GAO report says the FAA, which was reorganized in 2004 to include the Air Traffic Organization, is doing better at buying and implementing the technology that will be required to accommodate the three-fold increase in air traffic that is anticipated by 2025 (that FAA-estimated growth is questioned by some in the industry). While a couple of years ago it was a given that FAA procurement projects would go sideways, the GAO says that for the second year in a row the agency has managed to bring new projects on line in time and within 10 percent of budget 80 percent of the time. But, then, the process is far from over. The report says there some bumps ahead. "However, ATO faces several challenges, including sustaining and institutionalizing its progress toward operating effectively as a performance-based organization, hiring and training thousands of air traffic controllers, ensuring stakeholder involvement in major system acquisitions, and keeping acquisitions on schedule and within budget," the report says.