Pressurization Fix For Encores
Cessna will be notifying Encore owners that a pressurization system problem needs fixing. Cessna spokeswoman Jessica Myers told AVweb Wednesday that at least 71 of the seven-place twin jets will be modified, under warranty, to address the problem. The tally could rise slightly because it doesn’t include sales made in the current quarter.

Freezing Valve Cited...
Cessna will be notifying Encore owners that a pressurization system problemneeds fixing. Cessna spokeswoman Jessica Myers told AVweb Wednesday that at least 71 of theseven-place twin jets will be modified, under warranty, to address the problem.The tally could rise slightly because it doesn't include sales made in thecurrent quarter. Myers said water freezing inside the plane's emergencypressurization valve is the cause of the difficulty. The fault causesvariations in pressurization but Myers said there has never been a failure ofthe system or any emergency descents required. She said there is no immediatesafety concern. According to Myers, "It's important to note that therearen't any impending actions by the FAA that would affect flight operations (ofthe Encore)." The fix involves moving the valve, presumably to a warmerlocation. Myers said the repairs will be done at no cost to Encore owners and aService Bulletin will be issued in January. The Encore is in the same family asthe Ultra and Excel Cessna bizjets and was introduced in 2000.
...NetJets Grounds Its Encores
One of Cessna's biggest customers, fractional ownershipgiant NetJets, is taking no chances and has grounded all its Encores."We've been working with NetJets on this," said Myers. NetJets Maintenance Supervisor Rod Plumleyconfirmed to AVweb that all seven ofits Encores have been pulled from service. "Cessna is re-engineering somepart of the system," said Plumley. Plumley said NetJets had recurrentproblems with their Encores and that was enough to yank them off the line."Safety is our number-one concern," he said. "We are only going to fly anything asclose to perfect as possible." Plumley said any fractional owners withflights booked on an Encore will be upgraded to a larger aircraft until theproblems are sorted out. NetJets operates more than 450 aircraft worldwide.