…Spreading The Word About Young Eagles…
Spreading the joy of flight to young people in the U.S. and around the world is the goal of The Eagle Flight, which launches May 28. Over the summer, Jared Aicher will fly to almost 60 cities in all Lower 48 states and the Caribbean to give kids Young Eagles flights in a Cessna 172 provided by West Mesa Aviation, of Albuquerque. “Many children’s dreams of flight are never realized,” said Aicher. “The goal of the Eagle Flight is to help children around the world realize their dreams of flight, get them into the cockpit and register each one as a Young Eagles member.” After the U.S. and Caribbean tour, Aicher plans to set out next year on a round-the-world junket with the same goals in mind.

Spreading the joy of flight to young people in the U.S. and around the world is the goal of The Eagle Flight, which launches May 28. Over the summer, Jared Aicher will fly to almost 60 cities in all Lower 48 states and the Caribbean to give kids Young Eagles flights in a Cessna 172 provided by West Mesa Aviation, of Albuquerque. "Many children's dreams of flight are never realized," said Aicher. "The goal of the Eagle Flight is to help children around the world realize their dreams of flight, get them into the cockpit and register each one as a Young Eagles member." After the U.S. and Caribbean tour, Aicher plans to set out next year on a round-the-world junket with the same goals in mind. Although plans haven't been finalized for the world tour, a map on the Eagle Flight Web site shows Aicher heading through Canada and across the Atlantic to Greenland, Iceland and Britain before heading through Northern Europe and crossing Russia to Alaska.