Summer Skies Bring Flood Of Flight Events…
With Memorial Day weekend past, it’s officially summer now across the U.S., and with summer comes a deluge of flying events — some old, some new and some in a state of metamorphosis. One unique event that starts Sunday in Danville, Va., is SATS 2005, a demonstration of the new Small Aircraft Transportation System technology developed by NASA, the FAA and the industry over the last five years. On Monday and Tuesday, technical demonstrations will be held, along with various seminars and panel discussions. SATS aims to show that on-board computing, advanced flight controls, “Highway in the Sky” displays, and automated air traffic separation and sequencing will help people to travel faster and farther by enabling safe and affordable access to virtually any runway in the nation in most weather conditions.

SATS Shows Its Stuff In Virginia
With Memorial Day weekend past, it's officially summer now across the U.S., and with summer comes a deluge of flying events -- some old, some new and some in a state of metamorphosis. One unique event that starts Sunday in Danville, Va., is SATS 2005, a demonstration of the new Small Aircraft Transportation System technology developed by NASA, the FAA and the industry over the last five years. On Monday and Tuesday, technical demonstrations will be held, along with various seminars and panel discussions. SATS aims to show that on-board computing, advanced flight controls, "Highway in the Sky" displays, and automated air traffic separation and sequencing will help people to travel faster and farther by enabling safe and affordable access to virtually any runway in the nation in most weather conditions. The SATS technologies aim to allow higher-volume operations at airports that don't have control towers or terminal radar, many of which today are underutilized; help pilots to land safely in low-visibility conditions at minimally equipped airports; increase single-pilot performance; and integrate SATS aircraft seamlessly into the national airspace system. Nearly all the U.S. residents live within 30 minutes of one of these underutilized GA airports. For a look at the SATS vision of personal air travel in the future, check out this animated video.