The “REAL” Story On The Controller Shortage?

The National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) is emphatically declining comment on an anonymousletter sent to AVweb from an air traffic controller, challenging the union’s contention that air safety is being jeopardized by a staff shortage throughout the system. AVweb sent a copy of the detailed missive to NATCA but the union refused to comment … sort of. We can’t tell you why it chose not to comment because the normally forthcoming union officials we contacted insisted that all communications regarding the letter be considered “off the record.” So, with the objections raised by the union and the defensible rationale it used in choosing not to comment observed, in all fairness, so too shall be the original letter.

NATCA Declines Comment On Whistle Blower's Charges

The National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) is emphatically declining comment on an anonymousletter sent to AVweb from an air traffic controller, challenging the union's contention that air safety is being jeopardized by a staff shortage throughout the system. AVweb sent a copy of the detailed missive to NATCA but the union refused to comment ... sort of. We can't tell you why it chose not to comment because the normally forthcoming union officials we contacted insisted that all communications regarding the letter be considered "off the record." So, with the objections raised by the union and the defensible rationale it used in choosing not to comment observed, in all fairness, so too shall be the original letter. Enter "Jane Doe," a veteran air traffic controller whose experience within the day-to-day environment of the ATC system is at once illuminating and troubling. (Note: Although Jane's identity and the tower she works at won't be revealed, AVweb has collected evidence to confirm that she is who she says she is.)