VLJ Showdown At Oshkosh?
Visitors to EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh (July 25-31) may be able to compare firsthand the frontrunners in the very light jet (VLJ) competition. Eclipse plans to make a big entrance with a fully finished type-conforming version of its long-awaited 500 and Cessna is considering flying the prototype of its Mustang to the big show. Adam Aircraft will also undoubtedly have its A700 proof-of-concept plane there. The AdamJet made a big splash two years ago when it became the first of any version of a VLJ to fly to Oshkosh, but the A700 program has not yet produced a conforming airframe.

Eclipse Will Be There, Will Cessna?
Visitors to EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh (July 25-31) may be able to compare firsthand the frontrunners in the very light jet (VLJ) competition. Eclipse plans to make a big entrance with a fully finished type-conforming version of its long-awaited 500 and Cessna is considering flying the prototype of its Mustang to the big show. Adam Aircraft will also undoubtedly have its A700 proof-of-concept plane there. The AdamJet made a big splash two years ago when it became the first of any version of a VLJ to fly to Oshkosh, but the A700 program has not yet produced a conforming airframe. EAA is, of course, delighted to provide the backdrop for Eclipse's big entrance (and potentially the Mustang's). Although Eclipse flew a 500 to Sun 'n Fun and displayed it for a couple of days, the Oshkosh event is being billed as the "first public flight" of the plane. EAA President Tom Poberezny told reporters via teleconference on Wednesday that the Eclipse's arrival at 3 p.m. on July 27 would start the day's air show.