… While In Florida, Airplanes Win One
Meanwhile, the developer of a condominium tower in the works for St. Petersburg, Fla., agreed last week to reduce the building’s height by 54 feet to accommodate air traffic in and out of Albert Whitted Airport. “We want to be a good member of the community,” developer Jerry T. Shaw told the St. Petersburg Times. The tower will go no higher than 316 feet, the maximum the FAA said is acceptable, instead of the original proposal for 370 feet. The developer was given 60 days to negotiate the FAA’s decision, but chose to accept it without debate.

Meanwhile, the developer of a condominium tower in the works for St. Petersburg, Fla., agreed last week to reduce the building's height by 54 feet to accommodate air traffic in and out of Albert Whitted Airport. "We want to be a good member of the community," developer Jerry T. Shaw told the St. Petersburg Times. The tower will go no higher than 316 feet, the maximum the FAA said is acceptable, instead of the original proposal for 370 feet. The developer was given 60 days to negotiate the FAA's decision, but chose to accept it without debate. The waterfront Albert Whitted airfield handles about 100,000 general aviation operations annually and is the home base to 200 aircraft.

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